How often should I get a massage? My answer, often. You should have some kind of regular massages in your life. Once a week, biweekly or monthly. This all depends on how hard you are on your body or if you lead a stressful life.
Does it have to hurt? I try my best to work within your tolerance, just know that I can find some spots that surprise us both. They can be tender.
Why should I come to you? Do you want quality? lasting results?
What do Iook for in a massage therapist? Many people have asked me this question. So here's my list;
I look for someone who is licensed. Someone who is reliable, they need to show up and not be constantly rescheduling me. Can you explain what my session is going to be? There is nothing worse than asking for a medium pressure massage and I get a sports massage.Yes its really happened. I ask about training, yes its important. If you have a bum shoulder and the therapist is trained something else you may not get the relief your looking for. Next I look at their reviews. They can speak to what your going to get. Not all therapists are equal. No two therapists will have the same massage either. Some will tell you they give a heavy pressure massage and give you a light froo froo massage. Others will beat the crap out of you and you will feel worse than before the massage. Some are just right.
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